
শনিবার, ২৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Problem Behavior

Problem behavior is a matter of concern for teachers, not merely because some types may be disruptive, but also because all types, whether aggressive or passive are likely to interfere with student’s learning.
According to Jessor, Donovan, & Costa, 1991, Problem behavior is behavior that is socially defined as a problem, as a source of concern, or as undesirable by the social or legal norms of conventional society and its institutions of authority.

Problem behavior in the classroom is an unwanted behavior that creates difficulties in the class room. Basically, the problem behaviors come in a variety of forms, from a young child hitting to a teenager disrupting in a class

Understanding problem behavior means that teachers should become sensitive to the interaction between the force and factors in the students environment and performance in the classroom.

According to Lemov (2010) great teaching is an art. Great art relies on the mastery and application of foundational skills learned individually through diligent study.

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