Go to https://wwws.coworkforce.com/UIIC/ for file your unemployment benefit claims. www.coloradoworkforce.com is the website for the Department of Labor and Employment in the State of Colorado. At the website you can fine an unemployment claim if you eligible for unemployment benefit. If you have any question about your UI claim you can call at 303-318-9000.
To filing a claim;
firstly go to https://wwws.coworkforce.com/UIIC/ and click "continue to the new claim filing system" Next steps, and enter your first name, last name, date of birth and social security number and where you live. click "Continue". For more information please visit the website links. You should note that the application can take as long as 30 minutes and so you should be prepared to spend that time.
Learn about When to File Your Unemployment Insurance Claim; https://smartfile.coworkforce.com/StaticHtml/whentofile
Information about filing for Unemployment Insurance Benefits Online; http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/CDLE-UnempBenefits/CDLE/1251567008426#filing
Learn about Direct Deposit Questions; http://www.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/CDLE-UnempBenefits/CDLE/1251567008426#direct
Website: wwws.coworkforce.com/UIIC
শুক্রবার, ৫ আগস্ট, ২০১১
wwws.coworkforce.com/UIIC | Colorado Unemployment Benefits Claim
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