
মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Determine What is Needed to Stop Click Fraud

To quickly have targeted traffic to your website or blog, running a PPC campaign is the best option. You’ve probably noticed though, if you have done PPC for a while, there is a problem of click fraud. Appropriate steps need to be taken to fight click fraud or an advertiser can lose sums of money. The following article will discuss how you can fight click fraud and continue to avoid it over time.

Utilize an Ad Scheduler: When you’re defending your PPC account against click fraud, then it’s important that you constantly monitor the quality of your traffic. You can use ad scheduling to keep an eye on the quality of visitors according to the time of the day and also the day of the week. Obviously, a majority of people utilize the internet during daytime hours, while the robots use it all of the time. So, if you see that your click rates are high during the mornings as opposed to night, you might want to modify your bids to lower exposure to traffic that is not converting as much. Your main focus is to gain clicks from genuine customers and lose the possibility of getting fake clicks. The more that you concentrate on watching this traffic, the better outcome you will get over time. Monitor All of Your Expensive Keywords: This is something that not many advertisers are aware of. But the most vulnerable keywords for click fraud are the expensive ones. So if you spend a lot of cash to purchase these keywords, then you should be very cautious about what goes on with them. Since these keywords are normally subjected to a large amount of click fraud, you need to watch them very closely. However, this does not mean that you should not pay attention to the keywords that do not cost as much money. Your main goal should be to reduce the possibility that click fraud will not happen so that you pay per click investment will not be compromised.

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