
বুধবার, ৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Unemployment Insurance Claims Information Need to Apply for EDD in California

Unemployment Insurance benefits need to you and you want to apply for UI benefits or claims in California. You want to submit your Unemployment Insurance application in EDD (Employment Development Department). But your time is very valuable, so you want the claim filing process to go as fast as possible. I think our advice will help you to apply for California Unemployment Insurance benefits and claims in EDD as quickly as possible and the critical items also help you to pay for basic living expenses, when you are out of job.

Before you start, filing for California Unemployment Insurance claims, you will need these information to apply. The California unemployment insurance program provides payments for those workers who have lost their job due to an illness or non-industrials injury. You will be eligible to apply for the emergency or urgent extended UI benefits and claims, up to minimum 20 weeks, that are federally funded by the EDD (Employment Development Department). When you apply for Unemployment Insurance claims, the EDD will notify you by mail.

When you apply for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, you need some information to file your claim. That’s information’s will provide you by EDD. Unemployment Insurance information need, before you start. Information’s are given below.

1. Your name (have to include all names, which you used while working).

2. Your social security account number.

3. To apply for EDD Unemployment Insurance program, have to write your mailing and residence address (including ZIP code).

4. Your telephone number (including your area code).

5. If you have either, you need to write your driver’s license or ID card number.

6. Your Mother’s or Father’s maiden name (for security/access purposes).

7. Your last date employer information (with including the length of time you worked for the employer of your firm, industry etc.) including: name, address (mailing and physical location) and telephone number (as well as area code).

8. If you have part-time work, tell it the EDD to be sure that you are still working (including the length of hours you are working). And write your last day you worked prior to filing an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims.

9. Make sure about the spelling of the employer’s name and the address is correctly because the EDD are required to mail a notice to that employer. If you information is incorrect, you will delay benefits payment of Unemployment Insurance.

10. To filing your Unemployment Insurance claims you have to write all information of employers you worked for during the 18 months prior including name, address, period of employment, wages earned and how you were paid.

11. Write the name of the employer you worked for the longest within the last year and a half year. If you have no working experience, you have to write the reason you are not working.

The California unemployment office (EDD) will want to know the reason you left the job. If you quit, were fired, or left work because of a trade dispute or no fault of your own, you will be scheduled to a future telephone interview. By the information of interview the EDD unemployment office will decide if you are eligible to receive benefits. If your claim is denied from the interview, there is an appeals process for you.

You also may be asked to receive any payments from a former employer that include unemployment wages, pension payments, holiday pay, and vacation or sick pay. Partition of payments is not deducted from California EDD unemployment insurance benefits and does not affect your eligibility to receive benefits and claims.

If you are able to work and available to receive work or if you have a legal right to work in the United States, the EDD unemployment insurance office will asked you individuals for their alien registration number.

Then the Claimants or you will also be asked to create a user name and a password in order to login to their account to file for unemployment benefits and to check your unemployment checks status to review how much unemployment compensation is left in your account.

After while a week you will notify by the EDD unemployment insurance office Notice to get your payments of UI benefits and claims. You can also file for California unemployment extension benefits or claims in California by EDD.

You can cancel your unemployment insurance claims within 30 days (up to and including 30 days) after the mailing date of the notice of Unemployment Insurance Award by the EDD of California.

If you want to know more details you can known it in online by browsing the EDD website This website provides unemployment online help services in California, US. If you are an unemployed, apply for your unemployment insurance benefits and claims quickly, I hope you will be successful to reduce your unemployed.


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