
মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১১

Google penalty

Taiwan has been fined 34 thousand 600 U.S. dollars on Google inakaraporesanake. Mobile phone users who download a variety of applications to purchase the seven-day trial, the penalty has been approved or not. Times of India reports, Taiwan's consumer protection law, according to the Internet through mobile software that users purchase a seven-day trial will give the opportunity. New evidence has found that Google and Apple taipete administration has broken this law. Then, on June 8 to change the policies of the two businesses.
Taipei City Government consumer protection biti main chain said, Apple already change their policy but Google is the negation of this change in policy."
He said, was to sell off the application fee for Google users in Taiwan. Google is a business within the next 1 July of the same type of policy does not paltale I will be fine.

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